DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology 9th edition

1. The Cancer Genome
  • Cancer Genes and Their Mutations
  • Identification of Cancer Genes
  • Cancer Genome Investigation: Tools and Quality Controls
  • Somatic Alteration Classes Detected by Cancer Genome Analysis
  • Pathway-Oriented Models of Cancer Genome Analysis
  • Networks of Cancer Genome Projects
  • The Genomic Landscape of Cancers
  • The Cancer Genome and the New Taxonomy of Tumors
  • Cancer Genomics and Drug Resistance
  • Perspectives of Cancer Genome Analysis
2. Mechanisms of Genomic Instability
  • Basic Defenses Against Genomic Instability
  • Barriers to Genomic Instability
  • Mutations in Cancer
  • Mechanisms of Genome Destabilization in Human Tumors
  • What Causes Chromosomal Instability and Whole-Chromosome Aneuploidy?
  • Does Whole-Chromosome Aneuploidy Cause Cancer?
  • Perspectives and Implications for Cancer Therapeutics
3. Epigenetics of Cancer
  • Epigenetic Processes
  • Epigenomic Changes in Cancer
  • The Timing of Epigenetic Alterations
  • Epigenetic Biomarkers for Early Detection of Cancer
  • Epigenetic Therapies
  • Problems with Epigenetic Therapies
4. Telomeres, Telomerase, and Cancer
  • Telomeres and Telomerase
  • Senescence
  • Telomere Maintenance and Cancer
5. Receptors
  • Cell Signaling Growth Factors
  • Signal Transduction Systems
  • Sensory Machinery: Ligands and Receptors
  • Regulation of Protein Kinases
  • Small-Molecule Second Messengers
  • Efficiency and Specificity: Formation of Multiprotein Signaling Complexes
  • Signaling Networks
6. Cell Cycle
  • Cell-Cycle Engine
  • Induction of Cell-Cycle Phase Transitions
  • Ubiquitin-Mediated Proteolysis
  • Regulation of the Cell Cycle
  • Cell Cycle and Cancer
  • MicroRNAs, the Cell Cycle, and Cancer
  • The Cell Cycle and Cancer Therapy
7. Mechanisms of Cell Death 
  • Apoptosis
  • Autophagy
  • Necrosis
8. Cancer Metabolism
  • Altered Metabolism in Cancer Cells
  • Energetics of Cell Proliferation
  • Imaging Cancer Metabolism in Patients
  • Genetic Events Important for Cancer Influence Metabolism
  • Targeting Metabolism to Treat Cancer
9. Angiogenesis
  • Introduction: Origins of the Concept of Antiangiogenic Therapy for Cancer
  • Sequential Steps Involved in the Formation of Blood Vessel Capillaries in Tumors
  • Pericytes
  • Dysfunctional Nature of the Tumor Vasculature
  • Molecular Mediators of Tumor Angiogenesis: Angiogenic Stimulators and Their Receptors
  • Endogenous Inhibitors of Tumor Angiogenesis
  • A Cooperative Regulator of Tumor Angiogenesis: The Notch Receptor- DLL4 Signaling Pathway in Endothelial Cells
  • Strategies for Development of Antiangiogenic Drugs
  • Enhancement of Chemotherapy Efficacy and Other Therapeutic Modalities by Antiangiogenic Drugs
  • Resistance to Antiangiogenic Drugs or Treatments
  • Biomarkers for Tumor Angiogenesis and Antiangiogenic Therapy
  • Antiangiogenic/Anti-VEGF Drug-Based Clinical Trials
  • Looking Ahead: New Targets, New Drugs, and New Strategies for Antiangiogenic Therapy
10. Invasion and Metastasis
  • The Evolution and Pathogenesis of Metastasis
  • An Integrated Model for Metastasis
  • Selective Pressures at the Primary Tumor Driving Acquisition of Metastasis Functions
  • Coupling Tumorigenesis with Metastasis Initiation
  • Coupling Tumorigenesis with Metastasis Progression
  • From Metastasis Progression to Macrometastatic Colonization
  • Micro-RNAs and Metastasis
11. Cancer Stem Cells
  • Tumor Heterogeneity
  • Leukemia Stem Cells
  • Cancer Stem Cells in Solid Tumors
  • Genetic Diversity and Clonal Evolution in Cancer
  • The Origins of Cancer Stem Cells
  • Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition
  • Cancer Stem Cells: Targeted Therapy
12. Biology of Personalized Cancer Medicine
  • Cancer Predisposition
  • Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
  • Lynch Syndrome
  • Other Polyposis Syndromes
  • Association Studies
  • Breast Cancer
  • Early Detection
  • Tumor Classification and Patient Stratification
  • Treatment
  • Development of Resistance to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
  • Alternative Mechanisms of Resistance
  • BRAF Inhibitors
  • The Future
  • Changing Face of Personalized Medicine
  • Summary 

Section 1: Etiology of Cancer
13. Tobacco
  • Epidemiology of Tobacco and Cancer
  • Tumor Induction in Laboratory Animals by Tobacco Products
  • Carcinogens in Tobacco Products
  • Overview of Mechanisms of Tumor Induction by Tobacco Products
  • Tobacco Carcinogen and Toxicant Biomarkers
14. Cancer Susceptibility Syndromes 
  • Principles of Cancer Susceptibility
  • Genetic Testing
  • Cancer Susceptibility Syndromes
  • Future Directions
15. DNA Viruses
  • History of Viral Oncology
  • Hepadnaviruses and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
  • Papillomaviruses
  • Epstein-Barr Virus
  • Kaposi's Sarcoma–Associated Herpesvirus
  • Human Polyomaviruses
16. RNA Viruses
  • Retroviruses: Background, Replication Cycle, and Molecular Genetics
  • Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type 1
  • Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type 2
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • Hepatitis C Virus
17. Inflammation
  • Tumor Immune Surveillance
  • Inflammation and Tumorigenesis
  • Mechanisms of Cell Transformation and Cancer Initiation in the Inflammatory Environment 196 Inflammatory Cells and Stromal Cells in the Initiation of Neoplasia and in the Tumor Microenvironment
18. Chemical Factors
  • The Nature of Chemical Carcinogens: Chemistry and Metabolism
  • Animal Model Systems and Chemical Carcinogenesis
  • DNA Repair Protects the Host from Chemical Carcinogens
  • Genetic Susceptibility to Chemical Carcinogenesis
  • Molecular Epidemiology, Chemical Carcinogenesis, and Cancer Risk in Human Populations
  • Polyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons as a Model for Gene-Environment Interaction
19. Physical Factors
  • Ionizing Radiation
  • Ultraviolet Light
  • Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation
  • Electromagnetic Fields
  • Asbestos
  • Nanoparticles
20. Dietary Factors
  • Methodologic Challenges
  • The Role of Individual Food and Nutrients in Cancer Etiology
  • Other Foods and Nutrients
  • Dietary Patterns
  • Diet During Early Phases of Life
  • Summary
  • Limitations 

DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology has been acclaimed by the worldwide medical community as the standard-setting oncology reference. Its primary goal is to present the practicing oncologist with the practical as well as cutting-edge information needed to ensure the best possible care for each individual patient. The hallmark of this book from its inception and a major reason it has gained worldwide acceptance as the definitive source of cancer information has been its approach to the treatment of cancer patients by stage of presentation with a tightly coordinated description of the role of each treatment modality in the care of individual patients.

To ensure a balance multidisciplinary approach, a surgeon, a medical oncologist, and a radiation oncologist author each of the major treatment chapters. Each of the major treatment sections is preceded by an updated, brief chapter describing the molecular biology of that cancer and the prospects this new information holds for the improved management of cancer patients. Greater emphasis has been given in recent editions to the increasing importance of molecular biology and cancer screening and prevention, as well as palliative care, supportive oncology and quality of life issues.

Book Features
  • Cutting edge information on the science and practice of oncology
  • Discusses in detail the growing importance of prevention, early screening, and quality of life issues for cancer patients
  • Exhaustive coverage of combined modality cancer treatment
  • Greater emphasis on the increasing role of biologic therapy in the treatment of cancer
  • Over 300 1st rate contributors
  • The single, most comprehensive oncology reference ever published

New in this edition
  • NEW 11 new chapters
  • NEW 25% new 4-color illustrations
  • NEW completely revamped art program with new/redrawn pieces of art
  • NEW updates to book posted quarterly (available with purchase of print book)
  • NEW single volume text for greater portability

Book Details

  • Hardcover: 2800 pages
  • Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; Ninth, North American Edition (April 25, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1451105452
  • ISBN-13: 978-1451105452
  • Product Dimensions: 11.4 x 9.4 x 4.2 inches
List Price: $399.00
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